
Notes from Carlism

The Carlism born when the decline, decay and exhaustion of Spain arrives at the nuclear part of its political being. Where once there were crisis of the Empire, now it was in the own nation. On one side there were the risky innovators, generally bourgeois, usually handled by the international bourgeois liberal and the masonic organizations. These distractions of the bourgeoisie were fed by philosophical and political groups (using an Europeanizing Press) which raised to a dogmas the liberal values, including the indefinite and unlimited progress as an end or purpose and as a myth.

On the other side, there were the Resistance. But it wasn't a incomprehensible obtuseness to know about the progress and comfort. It was a Self-Preservation; this savior instinct was in force, in the mass (people) of the Country, who didn't have undergone in a revolutionary infection and did preserve the national essences. This mass was not common people, ignorant and mean, they were mostly Christian families in humble state as well as small gentry (hidalgos) and even "not courtesan" nobility; they was the noble and christian spanish people who fought against the french-napoleonic invasion, already raising in the Independence War the banner of God, Fatherland and King, and which was born the Counter-revolutionary army (which would fight against the liberal army in 1833-1840).

"I will not commit the crime of destroy the only force able to hold social order the day the Revolution begins. Go and say that I can't inquire for the death of a party that will be tomorrow bulwark of the Country" (Cánovas del Castillo).

"Facing the Revolution, which was the negation of the Faith and the Fatherland, the Carlism opposed its purity, stubborn intransigence and its hard combative spirit; the three characteristics of the Hispanic race through the all ages" (Casariego).

"They offer their lives because the Altar, the Fatherland and Honor never die. Is finally raised a flag in whose folds, the obedience is right and glorius" (Louis Veuillot).

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